Create Web
Create Web service on ErlaServers cloud platform via user interface
In the following steps, you will create a Web service from the git repository and deploy it to the region hosted in Frankfurt (UpCloud provider)
You need to already have a project stored in a Git repository in one of GitHub or GitLab providers.
If you don't have your own project in the repository you can fork one of our examples on GitHub.
Step 1: Navigate to Create Web
Open up the Create dropdown menu that is always accessible at the top section from every place in our application.
Then choose Web service from the list.
Step 2: Choose a Cloud provider and Region
Choose a cloud provider and region where the web service will be deployed to.
Application clusters in all cloud providers and all regions are fully managed by us.
Step 3: Select a performance package
Browse through the list of performance packages and choose one that is suitable for application needs. It may vary based on the programing language of your app, customer traffic, web server, etc.
Using a Scale number higher than 1 provides you with better performance and more robust deployments.
Step 4: Filling out Web details
Most of the details are auto-generated or pre-selected but you can always change it.
Step 5: Choosing a repository
Currently, we have integrations only with GitLab and GitHub.
If you are not connected to either GitLab or GitHub you can do so by simply clicking on Authorise application
When you're authorized with one or the other Git providers, you'll see the following input layout.
Use the Project
input to search through all your git repositories or search by name and select the repository.
Furthermore, select a branch of the repository and commit you want to deploy.
Advanced Build Settings
As you could notice, default build settings are pre-filled. Adjust it just as you need it. There are 3 basic settings:
The selected image is always used as a base image for the build.
Build Command:
Put any command you need to execute before running the application. Usually used for installing packages/dependencies. Example: (install python packages from the file requirements.txt):
Run Command:
At this moment we don't support changing the port of the application and all HTTP/HTTPS requests are sent from our Load Balancer to port 80.
Use a command that will start the application's web server. Example: (Start gunicorn WSGI server and bind it to port 80)
Step 6: Environment variables
Create environment variables if your application needs any. (You can always change it when the Web service is created)
Step 7: Create a Web Service
Hit the Create Web
button to start the build and deployment process of your app.
Last updated